Step Into Your Authentic Power + Create A Thriving Business
It’s time to 100% commit to your success and admit to yourself (once and for all) what you want from life and what you came here to do
You KNOW you need to step up and step in BIG-TIME to who you really are so you can have the life + biz you really want
You are ready to watch your dreams come to life, you want to feel it and live it and be who you really are
You are done thinking , talking and whining about it and writing the same ideas over and over in your journal.
You are ready to get 100% clear and FULLY take aligned action to transform ideas and musings into a thriving life and biz.
You have decided to step into a place of leadership in your life and to be someone who really does HAVE IT ALL!
THE WILDFLOWER VIP IS A FAST TRACK 6 WEEK 1:1 TRANSFORMATIONAL BIZ + BRAND COACHING PROGRAM With Powerful PRO support, accountability and guidance to help you:
>>ACTIVATE your personal power and help you express it in words
>>CLARIFY Your Brand Strategy so other people finally see who you are and clearly understand your value and what you have to offer
>>CRYSTALIZE exactly who your dream clients are so you we can target them in everything you create and you can connect with your real tribe.
>>DESIGN + REFINE your daily workflow so you have automated processes & systems in your life & biz that make everything easier & more effective
>>DEFINE what your offers are and create simple funnels that bring in consistent cash flow (including a low priced tripwire that gets your people excited about you)
>>FORM your Superstar Visual Identity so you make a lasting impression that makes people excited to work with you (and so you show the world that part of yourself that you WANT TO SHARE!)

What this is:
“The Wildflower VIP” is my Fast Track Brand + Biz Coaching Program
Its a one-on-one private program focused on quickly creating your unique business and brand strategy from the ground up.
During this program we will work together to create the core foundation of your brand and business so:
- You know exactly what you are doing
- Are clear what you offer + what to charge
- Identify who needs your services + where to find them
- Connect what you do with people that need your help
- Understand your brand message + express it in words
- We design your Content Marketing Conversion Plan
- Utilize the best methods to implement your vision
- Implement a powerful “Visibility Strategy”
- Know what to do daily to get results
What you get in the 6 week WILDFLOWER 1:1 VIP intensive:
:: WHO You Are, WHAT you stand for & HOW you make a big difference!
:: Define/Refine Your Core Message (perfect for ABOUT pages + Mini Bios)
:: Custom Create Your NEW Catchy Tagline
:: Get crystal clear on who you REALLY want to work with + why
:: Strategize HOW to connect with them
:: Design a plan for connecting with them DAILY!!!
:: 60 Days of content planned + ready to go!
:: Scheme ways to expand your network
:: Show you how to re-purpose content for max effect
:: Discuss outsourcing options & automation
:: Technical training on how to automate your content (set it up to work FOR YOU!)
:: Formalize how your brand should look, the vibe, colors & essence
:: Clarify your Website Essentials
:: Get my Online Celebrity Glam Makeover – we talk about how YOU need to look to truly represent your brand and “show up” both online & in-person
:: Define how you want to be seen
:: Work through your fears + get “On-Camera” Coaching
:: Decide which Social Media platforms are the best for your brand & create a Social Media Strategy
:: Create/Refine Your Sales Funnel
:: Outline your Product, Program &/or Services plan
:: Create Passive Income Ideas
:: Establish Your Pricing Strategy
:: Learn what to do daily so you get the most out of each day
:: Custom designed “Daily Productivity Planning”
:: Diamond Life Planner Printables

This amazing transformation happens in just 6 Weeks!!!
You will receive MP4 Video recordings of our skype sessions for your archives
Your Life-Changing “Wildflower VIP Biz & Brand Intensive” also includes these bonuses:

Program Investment: Pay in full $3,497 (savings of $497)
Payment Plan: 2 payments of $1,997 (within 3 weeks)
Total payment = $3,994
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, there is a payment plan option for “The Wildflower VIP – 6 Week Program.” You save money by paying in full, or we can put you on a payment subscription of 2 installments. The first payment is due to enroll, and the second payment is due three weeks later.
I am 100% committed to showing up to hold space for your greatness, and I expect the same of you. I want you to live a happier, more abundant life so I’m giving you all the tools and support you need to create massive success. I know that when you show up, do the work and follow through, you will benefit. Because I want you to experience the amazing results possible when you are fully invested in yourself, there are no refunds. I have created this policy so that we are both accountable for your success. I am here to support you every step of the way! If you have any questions about the program, I want to make sure to answer them before you sign up. Please email me any questions at Koshin(at), so we can make sure this is a good fit for you.
When you register, we schedule all of your sessions for the entire program. It’s 6 consecutive weeks. You should make it a priority. If you have an emergency, and give me 24 hours notice, I will reschedule ONE session. If this happens again, you will forfeit the session or pay a $75 penalty. Being accountable is part of the secret to success. You are expected to commit to yourself and to respect your time as well as mine. If you have any conflicting dates before we begin, we will sort everything out.
The results I can guarantee you depend on your own ability to show up, make decisions, commit and take aligned action. If you do the work with a negative attitude or half-heartedly (both the strategy and the mindset work), you’ll get what you put into it. If you do the work with the right mindset, you will reap incredible benefits, and can instill the knowledge you gain into all of your experiences. Life only grants you the precious opportunity to be alive. Nothing else is promised. Therefore in life and business, you should expect that the amount of your transformation will equal the commitment you have to diving into the journey, giving of yourself, and doing the work.
What Happens In Our Private Sessions?!
We dive deep into who you are, why you created your business (or want to create one), and who you serve.
I analyze + reveal your brand archetype and help you understand the power of this life-changing approach to business and brand development.
I show you actionable strategies to successfully infuse your archetype into your brand.
Together, we look closely at what you are doing that works, and what needs to shift and get radiantly clear
I analyze your online presence + personal image and help you create a vision for an elevated version of you.
Then I show you how to implement that vision, and hold a sacred space for your own personal evolution.
My empathic skills help me to see who you truly are, so you feel safe, confident and empowered.
I help you step more profoundly into the truth of who you are, and access your core power.
Transformations and revelations occur and the process is life changing for you and your business.
As you start to understand your brand archetype we discover how to create and present your cohesive brand
The Results: Clarity, Confidence, Clients & Cash!