Overwhelmed by Social Media Marketing?!
Social media is everywhere and it’s become a powerful modern communication tool that is here to stay.
Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Youtube, Snapchat, LinkedIn…the list of social media platforms seems to keep growing by the day.
If you’re not “in the game” posting daily and creating a memorable brand story, chances are you are losing potential clients, customers and cash in your pocket.
Most business owners today realize the power of social media marketing, yet completely struggle to understand specifically how to optimize each user experience, and what tasks are necessary daily to make an impact and an imprint in this rapidly changing social landscape.
Between all the other important things you need to do to keep your business operating smoothly, social media often gets put on the back burner as a secondary priority.
Social Media platforms can provide incredible opportunities to increase customer service, develop and foster new relationships, and is an essential component of nurturing online communities that over time will result in increasing your bottom line.
Whether your business is in the start-up phase or growing at lightening speed, here are seven reasons why you may want to consider hiring a professional to outsource your social media campaigns:
1. Social Media Marketing Strategy
There’s a lot of noise out there to compete with these days! How will your business stand out amongst the crowd? How will you make an impact? What do you provide that is different and how do you want to be received? What’s your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) and how is that going to be conveyed visually and in your copywriting? Where do you need to be and when? Your social media agency or consultant will be able to strategically plan a daily course of action that will cultivate exactly what you need to grow your business. If you were taking a road trip, you would need a map, a plan, and resources to get to your destination. You need the same tools for your social media marketing strategy.
2. Brand Assessment + Development
You have a story to tell, but is it being conveyed in the best way possible? Do people look at your online presence and understand immediately who you are and what you offer or is it a bit murky and confusing? Are people distracted by your visual identity or is it compelling and captivating. Is your story unfolding and emerging or are you just posting random pics of cats or what you ate for lunch?! That doesn’t really bring in the sales. Every single image you post tells us something about you. Every social media post is an opportunity to spread your message and tell your brand story. If you’re not doing this daily, you’re making a mistake and it needs to be fixed immediately.
3. Consistency
It’s crucial that your social presence be updated daily. There’s nothing worse than logging onto a website or social account where the most recent posts were from last season or a year ago! Your social media account manager will make sure that you are posting daily, and that the job gets done well.
A social media expert will be able to provide you with consistent daily content that attracts, captivates and converts. Do you have the time, talent and knowledge to devote to this or would your brilliance be more wisely invested in what you do best? The fastest way to grow your business and your team is to understand what your core talents are and to outsource the rest of what needs to be done to other professionals who help you expand more rapidly. As the saying goes, “teamwork makes the dream work.”
4. Content Creation
By now most everyone knows that content is king. If you want to stay relevant you need good content that is related to your business and develops your brand story. Do you have time to stay up on all the latest trends? Are you prepared to always be in the know about what’s hot or not? Do you know how to create world class visuals and write the perfect copy that expresses your brand voice?!
Your social media agency will help create cutting edge content that keeps your business current. This impresses people and helps them trust you enough to want to buy from you. Even businesses that were formerly successful are seeing a drop in sales because of their lack of social presence. Nowadays, its becoming a common practice to build out your social media marketing team for maximum impact.
5. Cost
Do you have it in your budget to hire a full-time employee who is a marketing professional with a degree from a good university or someone with years of real world experience, and pay for medical benefits, vacation, sick days, provide a workspace, and all the necessities budgeted for a a full time team member? Will this team member have enough expertise to understand and cultivate the best possible results for your business?
Perhaps, it’s more cost effective and wiser to outsource and hire a social media agency that you know is dedicated to your growth and will help you manage your account with the utmost professionalism. You can trust that this person is constantly learning all the ins and outs needed to monitor, measure and tweak your social media performance on a daily basis.
6. Analytics
Are you aware of what is happening in all of your accounts daily? Are you tracking your growth and monitoring each and every comment? Are you able to see what is working or not and adjust your course of action? Are you targeting the right people in your Facebook Ads? Are your ads converting?! Are you getting a great rate per conversion?
Does all of this make your head spin?! Your social media manager will guide your path and keep your business aligned on the correct journey.
7. Community Building
One of the most valuable assets your company will ever develop is the people that you serve. The community that you build has the potential to support and expand your business exponentially. What do you need to be doing daily on social media to provide a consistent brand presence that defines your company’s values and expresses who you are and what you do? Without a daily social presence, in this rapidly changing arena, you could easily lose your followings short attention span. Creating consistent messages and imagery that fosters your brand image is one of the best ways to show that you exist, you care, and you are fully present in this modern day game. It shows that no matter how old or new your business is, you are hip to modern times and in it to win it. Trust is hard to gain, you want to make sure you keep it by letting your tribe know you care.
8. Best Practices
In this continually changing landscape, it’s crucial that you know exactly what the best practices are for your social media marketing campaigns. As a business owner, you need to put your time and energy into doing exactly what you do best, and hire professionals to focus on the other key elements that bring in new customers and help increase your bottom line. How can you possibly rise to the top at what you do if your energy is scattered. The right social media agency will always stay aware of what needs to be done and exactly how to plan for your growth.
Will social media contests improve engagement? Do you need to increase your daily ad spend? Are you casting too wide a net and need to niche down and micro target your future clients and customers?
Have you realized by now that the knowledge, expertise, education and talent it takes to successfully launch and grow consistent social media marketing campaigns is something worth outsourcing?
Would you like to learn more about how the team at Diamond Life Media can help you grow your social media identity, expand your fanbase and increase your bottom line?
Click here for more information + speak to us today!
One more thing, if you want to hang out with me and amazing entrepreneurs growing their biz online, make sure to click here to join my FREE private Facebook group.

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