Is your life is just a result of reactions to the world outside of you and cultural conditioning OR have you realized that you are the writer, director, producer and star of your own story?!
If you want to be seen as “The Real Deal” in your life and business you have to step into your greatness and own your true power.
If you want to crack the code and cultivate a truly fabulous life making a great living doing what you love and were born to do, then you have to step into full alignment with your soul.
But the real question is, HOW do you get into this mythical place of alignment where your passion, power, and purpose unite?
How do you create consistent income + flow in your life, especially on your own, as an entrepreneur (or as I like to call it, a SoulPreneur!).
One of the most important things you can do to design the life (and biz) of your dreams, and to step into that coveted state of alignment is to cultivate the conditions where clarity arises.
You have to be willing to face yourself, dig deep, ask the RIGHT questions, and trust that the process will lead you to the results.
As part of my personal quest to keep evolving, I’ve been going through a process of self-inquiry to discover the reasons behind what I’m doing in my work and personal life so I can make some changes and ultimately feel more fulfilled.
Have you considered WHY you do what you do, and why you want what you want? It sounds so basic, so 100% simple – but the reality is that it is utterly profound to know the reasons why behind your vision. In the darkest or brightest of times, your “WHY” will keep you grounded and centered on your path. This will keep you from being pushed around by other people’s ideas of what is good for you, how you should live, and what will work for you. The truth is, only you will know those answers (and maybe an intuitive/psychic coach like myself) so you have to stay connected to your true power.
It’s easy to be pushed around when you know you are someone who is here to create change, and you just want serenity
Something I have had to accept is that I can not stop being myself so other people can feel comfortable. More than anything, and probably like you, I just want to be who I was born to be without all the fear, drama and excuses!
These are just lies we tell ourselves so we can continue to play small instead of stepping into our true power. The biggest thing I see my clients struggling with is their sense of worth, and it is THE BIGGEST THING that will hold you back from accepting and receiving what you deeply desire.
It’s time now for all of us to move on…
Something I have always done to align my energy and create clarity is to analyze whether my motivation has come from a place of love and inspiration, or fear and desperation. I understand how lack of alignment has stopped me from playing a bigger game, and I know that when you move out of fear or desperation, you attract the same energy in your life. What do you want to create?
Yes, it can be a challenge to find that sense of love when you operating unconsciously from a state of fear, but it is at the center of your being, and there are ways to get back to your core.
Clarity is one of the keys that unlocks the door to receiving what you desire.
But the big question is, how do you get clear?
One of my special techniques to create instant clarity is through a process of inquiry.
It is about asking simple, direct questions that help reveal our truth to us.
If you are willing to be honest and real with yourself, the questions will open your mind to realize some profound changes.
Before diving in deeper…
>>>Download my Diamond Life Manifesto Workbook<<<
It’s four pages of powerful strategic questions to help you get radiantly clear so you can create what you want in your life. It’s completely FREE, and the clarity you will gain from going through my simple step-by-step processes will be life-changing!
Learn to captivate + convert your dream tribe with this FREE Workbook

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The funny thing in the process is that I’m realizing the horrible ways in which I’ve sold myself short in life…
Here are some of ways I have failed (perhaps you can relate):
- Making decisions or staying in situations out of fear instead of love
- Believing I couldn’t solve a challenging problem because it was really difficult
- Not analyzing situations carefully and diving in without considering consequences
- Focusing on the big picture instead of making small daily changes that would add up to a powerful resolution
- Allowing other people’s fears and insecurities to overpower my sense of possibility (which led to feeling stuck)
- Letting other people’s desires have an effect on my decisions
- Being too selfless instead of sticking with my intentions
- Thinking too far ahead instead and getting overwhelmed
A healthy dose of self-reflection is an important part of the creative process for anyone wanting to live life on their own terms, especially creatives and entrepreneurs whose purpose is to chart new territory and innovate new ideas.
So, how can you have what you really want if you aren’t aware that you’re the one capable of creating it? How can you make changes in your life, if you don’t clarify where you’ve been and where you want to go?!
It’s not about drowning in self pity or sorrow! It’s about owning responsibility for the results and deciding to write your new chapter.
Instead of just going through each day as if you were just a leaf being blown in the wind, you can choose to reflect upon your journey, and chart a new course. Taking time for yourself to gain clarity will reignite your enthusiasm and passion for life!
It’s time to uplevel everything in your life. When you make that decision for yourself, the entire world as you know it will transform. It starts with getting clear, deciding what you want, and then committing to that decision.
As the saying goes: “As you sow, shall you reap” and by digging in the dirt, clearing out the muck and getting ready for the flowers to bloom, you create the life garden of your dreams. It is not going to just happen on its own. It’s a co-creative process, so dive in!
Getting what you want in your life and creating a profitable business all about clarity, commitment, consistency and focus.
You have the power to decide something and claim it. Are you doing that, or are you sitting on the sidelines, waiting for someone to save you?
We can do be or have anything we want, and we don’t have to buy into the belief that we have to accept garbage in our lives. It’s just about deciding.
Say YES to what you want and keep your eye on the target.
Focus, meditate, deliberate.
The past is over. Anything that has happened before no longer has any power over you.
I know it is frightening to face your darkest shadows, but without embracing this part of yourself, you will never own the strength that is your brightness…
You can create a new reality, and a new manifesto to live by so you can easily magnetize the things you want into your life. It gets easier when you do this work consistently.
My secret is to read my manifesto out loud to myself daily as a way to remind myself of my vision and stay on my true path.
You can also create your own rules. It’s amazing how this process can change your life quickly.
Here are my 11 new rules that I have decided to live by:
All of us have it – a real superpower that makes us extraordinary.
A power to do something magnificent, a gift given to us at birth, and like the French say, our raison d’etre!
It’s more than just a talent, your superpower activates something that serves other people.
Discovering this will help you move through your life with more purpose and ignite your excitement, especially if you feel like it’s been fading.
So, what is your superpower?!!
Mine is the ability to see the pure potential in everything and everyone!
BUT for myself, I have allowed this Superpower to sometimes become a weapon.
I always think – oh, I can fix that! So I will often pick something (or someone) who needs my help – AND I AM OVER IT!!!
I have decided that I don’t need to fix everything anymore – just because I can.
So I wonder – do you think that you might be selling yourself short somewhere in your life, business, or personal relationships?
Are you accepting less than you deserve just because you have the ability to make things better? Or because you don’t think you can do any better?
Ready to create your own Diamond Life? I created a workbook you can print out to help you create your own manifesto. Clarity will open the door for you to take the right actions that lead you to your dreams. When you really face yourself, you will embrace yourself. That love can never be destroyed, and it gives you the strength and courage to create amazing things, take kick-ass risks, be brave and bold, put yourself “out there” and own your story so you rise into your glory! My biggest passion in life is giving you wings, because I already know that you were born to fly!!!!
Download your FREE Diamond Life Manifesto Workbook by clicking the button below!
Then hop over to join my new FB community called “Rich Spiritual Entrepreneurs”.
I created this group to gather up game-changers, visionaries, rebels, ladybosses, soulpreneurs, dreamers & doers – JUST LIKE YOU – who want to create freedom and success by making a great living doing what you were born to do!
Its also a great place to share your story and your new manifesto with us. I am already clapping for you.
Learn to captivate + convert your dream tribe with this FREE Workbook

Check your Inbox (& The Evil Spam Folder) Your Manifesto Workbook is on the way!

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