From heroic journeys and epic cosmic battles to dragons, vampires, and the resurrection of god, there are numerous ancient universal stories told in many unconnected cultures that has led scholars to believe these similarities are the result of archetypes that exist within the unconscious mind of every human being.
The legendary Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung believed our core innate mission in life is to discover and fulfill our deep innate potential.
Jung developed the psychological concept of “The Archetype” as well as “The Collective Unconscious.”
The “Collective Unconscious” refers to structures of the unconscious mind containing memories and impulses of which an individual is unaware.
According to Jung, the collective unconscious contains archetypes: universal primitive mental images and ideas inherited from the earliest ancestors.
Whether you realize it or not, there are compelling reasons that you have fallen in love with certain brands and businesses. Just like people, a brand has a personality and a voice that inspires and evokes an emotional response.
Archetypal brands have an alluring living character that connects deeply to the core of our human psyche.
We, as people, have an identity that defines and links us to others. Your brand needs an identity that can come to life…
As the great playwright Shakespeare once said “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.”
At the center of our being we are all storytellers, as well as actors playing out a role in our own epic play.
Throughout history, in all cultures on our planet, colorful stories, myths and legends have been passed down from generation to generation as a means to preserve, inspire, entertain, educate, understand and spark emotions.
Archetypes embody an eternal truth that has the power to dive right into the vein of human need, fear, desire, drive, motives and dreams. They represent patterns of thought that cross the boundary of generation, gender, age, race, and culture.
Archetypal branding breathes life into a business by generating a powerful human connection that creates instant loyalty, devotion, and trust.
It’s THE KEY to building an authentic brand that has a living, breathing heart & soul.
These universal Archetypes trigger an immediate reaction and emotional impact that is at the core of decision making, and relationship development.
By tapping into the collective unconscious with your brand, you instantly appeal to universal human needs and create connections that inspire emotion.
The only way to set yourself apart from others is by being yourself, right? If your brand is intentionally cultivated on an archetypal foundation, it will have an immediate impact on the right people that your business is meant to serve.
You won’t have to work as hard to get the results you want
Everything will fall into place like pieces of a puzzle
Your visual and written branding will align with your archetype, and the core values of your company will easily merge with your marketing strategy.
The depth of this approach creates a truly authentic brand that no one can compete with!
There are 12 main archetypes found in brand creation & archetypal business development.
Your personal archetypal blueprint will probably be a dynamic fusion of two archetypes. This is one of the aspects that will set you apart and define you in a way that helps make your business iconic.
The Heroine, Superhero, The Warrior
The Hero’s Core Desire is to prove their worth through courageous challenge that leads to victory.
Their Focus is on becoming the strongest, most powerful, actualized version of themselves.
Hero Brands: Nike, Red Cross, FedEx
The Magician, The Shaman, The Visionary, The Medicine Woman/Man
The Alchemist’s Core Desire is to understand the laws of the Universe and their place in it. They are innovative catalysts for deep transformation.
Their Focus is to turn dreams into reality.
Brands: American Express, Disney, TED
The Dreamer, The Idealist
The Lover’s Core Desire is to experience intimacy, pleasure, and glamour with an aura of mystery and sensuality.
Their Focus is on cultivating and nurturing relationships in all aspects of their existence.
Brands: Victoria’s Secret, Kim Kardashian, Dita Von Teese
The Fool, The Comedian
The Jester’s Core Desire to live fully in the moment and have a good time. They revel in play and are the life of the party!
Their Focus is to lighten people up and have fun.
Brands: Jim Carrey, M&M’s candy, Pepsi
The Good Girl/Guy, The Regular Person, The Good Neighbor
The Everyperson’s Core Desire is to create community, connection and to belong as a part of the group. They believe that all men and women are created equal.
Their Focus is to fit in.
Brands: State Farm, The Gap, Homer Simpson
The Dreamer, The Romantic
The Innocent’s Core Desire is to experience paradise on Earth. They strive to elevate purity, goodness & simplicity into everyday life.
Their Focus is to create happiness, to return to “The Garden Of Eden.”
Brands: Ivory Soap, Real Simple Magazine, Coca-Cola
The Scholar, The Teacher
The Sage’s Core Desire is to discover “The Truth.”
Their Focus is to use their intellect and analytical abilities to understand the world
Brands: Ivory, Oprah Winfrey, The New York Times
The Seeker, The Wanderer
The Explorer’s Core Desire is to discover oneself through exploring the world.
Their Focus is to experience a more fulfilling, authentic life.
Brands: Levi’s, Starbucks, Timberland
The Parent, The Nurturer
The Caregiver’s Core Desire is to protect people from harm, pain & suffering.
Their Focus is to selflessly help others.
Brands: AT&T, The Red Cross, Campbell’s Soup
The Artist, The Dreamer
The Creator’s Core Desire is to create something extraordinary of enduring value.
Their Focus is to express and give form to their vision.
Brands: Martha Stewart, Crayola, Kinko’s
The Leader, The King/Queen
The Ruler’s Core Desire to control, to lead, to have power.
Their Focus is to create prosperity – in family, business, &/or community.
Brands: American Express, IBM, Ralph Lauren
The Outlaw, The Revolutionary
The Rebel’s Core Desire to disrupt the status quo and create a revolution, or get revenge.
Their Focus is to destroy what is not working.
Brands: Harley-Davidson, Jack Kerouac, Howard Stern
Realizing your brand’s identity will open the door to creating a business that will set you world’s apart from the competition. Your brand will have a personality, and a character that comes to life so you can captivate and connect what you do with the people you serve.
For some businesses, discovering your brand archetype will be an immediate “A-HA” moment that will catapult you into a world of new ideas and possibilities. While for others, it may seem an elusive and complex journey. You might be drawn to two, three or even four archetypes and have a challenging time seeing how to put the pieces together so it makes every part of your business come to life.
Identifying your core values & clarifying the traits that define you will help you realize your brand’s archetypal blueprint.
At Diamond Life Media, we dig deep into the heart of our client’s brand to uncover their essence so we can help cultivate and share their unique story. We work through various fun and creative processes to help you define your business and your brand.
Whatever method you use to discover your archetypal blueprint, it will invigorate your business and create a compass that makes the journey an exciting and colorful adventure!
Shine Bright,
Want to discover your own Brand Archetype mix?
Get ready to supercharge your brand!
In our private 60-minute power packed Archetypal Branding 1:1 Session we will work together to dig deep, get 100% clear about the core vision of your business, who you truly are, what makes you special, and realize your unique brand identity through the incredible power of archetypes so you can build a profitable business that reflects your authenticity.
I will help you unlock the secrets to your unique brand mix, which is usually 2 other archetypes combined with your dominant core archetype.
Once you understand the elements that make up your brand, I will show you how to systematically infuse your archetypes into your business and clarify the identity and direction of your brand so you effortlessly magnetize your ultimate dream clients and customers. You will stand out amongst the crowd and be seen as an expert in your field.
Click here to register!

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