How obsessed have you become with your social media following?
The amount of people on your email list?
Your overall popularity & success?
Are you comparing yourself to the people you admire, and wondering why your business isn’t growing as fast as theirs?
Are you wondering what it’s going to take to get you to the coveted 6 figure status?
I got a major download from the universe today, I know exactly what’s going on…
On my morning walk through the streets of Barcelona with my sweet dogs today, I was struck with this overwhelming feeling of a powerful realization emerging. I tend to be quite introverted about my musings, but my spirit is telling me that I need to continue sharing these ideas, these little gems…
I was thinking about my life and the successes and failures that I have had (or think I’ve had) over the years. I was remembering the wise words of some of the amazing visionaries and mentors that I have met along the journey, and just feeling their spirit of tenacity stirring in my bones.
We never really know what kind of effect we have on other people, or if anyone is even listening to what we say. Does that mean we should stop being ourselves, cave in and follow the crowd?
I was thinking about the concept of success and how this whole online universe has really changed the entire world. So many people trying to be seen and heard, make money, get rich, get famous. All overnight!
The digital landscape has become very, very loud
It embodies the chaos and the hustle & bustle of 42nd St in NYC times a bazillion.
On a daily basis, we get bombarded by emails, tweets, instagram likes and unlikes, follows and unfollows, periscope, snapchat, youtube, facebook…and it becomes a viscious cycle of social media obsession for attention and approval!
Are you guilty of waking up in the morning and looking at your phone before you even get out of bed?
No blame here, I do it too, and I am realizing how much it is affecting my personal equilibrium as well as my own ability to stay in alignment with my passion, power and purpose.
In the process of growing your own social media following, your mailing list and your business in general – are you comparing yourself to other people? I think it’s really normal to do so, but the thing is, you CAN’T! You can not compare yourself to anyone else if you want to stay sane and feel confident in yourself and actually make real progress!
I know that its easy to say that, and really challenging to stay focused only on what you are creating without all the noise in your head shouting at you telling you that you aren’t doing it fast enough, big enough, or good enough as him or her or them. I know!!!
We are living in a crazy time that is juicy + majestic + potent + insane – all at once!!!
So the realization started to pour into my body as the flashes of faces of really successful people I have worked with appeared in my mind. A rush of love started pouring through my body and I heard the message, “we all start from the same place.”
It was almost like a mantra that kept repeating itself to me over and over so I could really absorb its full meaning, and I started saying it to myself out loud in the park with the dogs….we all start from the same place, we all start from the same freaking place!!!!!!!!
I just allowed that essence move through me like a calming bath of true awakening. I swam in the idea that it doesnt matter what anyone else that inspires me is doing or has done.
It only matters that I keep up with my own Daily Zen, the practice of showing up for my life and my work
The practice of continuing to expand and share my messages with other people in exactly the perfect way that is in harmony with my truth. I cant look at anyone else and compare myself to them, and neither can you (at least I hope you won’t, because it doesn’t do you any good).
You know the funny thing is I have actually worked with a lot of celebrities that most people would drool over and you would not believe how they perceive their own success. These are people who you would think “have it all” and the ridiculous thing is that they almost NEVER think so! They keep comparing themselves to other people, and challenging themselves to move higher and become better or more successful. They never feel like they have made it!
As long as we are here on planet Earth, we are always going to feel there is more we can do. The secret is that we just have to be at peace with that understanding, and keep focused on the breath of life. Giving and receiving over and over and over.
I think if you want to build a successful business and a life that makes you smile from ear to ear, the big secret is to love where you are unconditionally and to just keep sharing from your spirit. Stop focusing so much on success (what you are getting) and keep your mind focused on what you give…and enjoy every moment.
So the next time you find yourself caught in The Land Of Comparisonitis, just remember even they started from the beginning, with zero fans and zero followers and absolutely zero people interested in anything they were doing or had to say!!! I promise, it will help you stay aligned with your own adventure.

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