Do you know who you are as a creator and entrepreneur?
Have you found your true identity?
Let me go out on a very small limb and answer for you…
Probably no… (but it’s really not your fault).
Here’s the deal –
Most cultures encourage us to play it safe, follow the crowd, and find a way to fit in.
Most modern families encourage their kin to get a good education, get a good job, find a nice person to settle down with, have a family and essentially play by the rules until you die.
So if you (daring entrepreneur!) have decided to follow your own path (adventurer!), take a gamble on your own ideas (risktaker!) and follow the road less traveled (wise sage!), chances are there haven’t been too many great visionaries to light the way.
Chances are most people who have found their true voice aren’t showing you how to find yours.
So to begin on this amazing adventure of becoming your best self who makes a great living from your own creations…
Are you taking risks, or are you still playing it safe?
Have you been hitting walls with your business and not really understanding why you cant get past them?
Are you afraid to be bolder, brighter and bigger?
Are you actually resisting your own prosperity and abundance – or are you owning it all?
Are you shining bright, or hiding in the corner biting your nails wondering what it’s gonna take?
You can only get to that amazing place of true wealth/empowerment/alignment when you embrace everything you are.
When the words and the vision merge and you create your own symphony.
Let me explain…
Words are very powerful.
As a passionate writer and a lover of language, I truly understand this.
Identity is supremely strong, and most of us cling to our own.
Inside each of us, we tell ourselves a story about who we are, and what our identity is (then act accordingly).
We rarely expand beyond this or challenge our identity. EVER!
We tell ourselves words and phrases that adhere to this identity, and build it up so other people can see that these words define us. We are afraid to own other words and other parts of our humanity because they challenge our status, and the status quo.
We reject certain words, and certain parts of ourselves because we have decided they are poisonous to our greatness.
But what if the foundational secret to becoming our most powerful self, to building our brilliant business empires, to creating our own lasting legacy lies in reclaiming our darkest selves.
What if in order to become brighter we must go deeper into our darkness?
This can be interpreted in the wrong way, so please stay with me on the journey here…..
Let me share a little story about the voice itself.
In order to train the voice as a singer, you have to do scales and all kinds of vocal gymnastics. I have been singing (and training with masters) since I was very young. In all my studies, the most powerful method I ever found to expand my vocal range and step into my true vocal power was by going deeper into the lowest part of my voice. By staying in the deeper parts, and places that are uncomfortable to reside, the top part of my range would naturally expand (without any effort). By relaxing into my darkness, the brightness would emerge.
My favorite methods were always taught to me by Indian Masters. They understand secrets that go beyond music and know that the voice is just an instrument for divine energy to flow. Just like your life (and biz) is an instrument for divine energy to flow.
So if you own the darkness, the light will expand.
If you own the things you don’t want people to say about you, it has zero power over you because you know you are everything (or as I like to say, “every color of the rainbow and then some”).
So why are we so scared of the ugly words? Why are we afraid to own them?
These days in pop music and pop culture the artists who reclaim words and give them new meaning, are the pioneers of our time.
These rebels are willing to shake you up to get your attention because they know how to excite and agitate you all at once. They make it “safe” to say/sing things that are impolite, politically incorrect and sometimes downright nasty.
They make it good to be bad.
So I am wondering…
Are you trying to please everyone in the hopes that it will translate to more business? If you are watering down your (amazing) personality so you can fit into a box, eventually you are going to go mad and want to get out.
Eventually you are going to hate everything you are doing (no matter how much money it makes) because it won’t be an authentic representation of you.
It starts with clarity about your big “why” and your core values/mission. Then your passion and purpose flows down into your visual identity and the words surrounding that, so other people can really experience what you stand for and why they need to work with you/buy your products/services.
Without this identity, people have a hard time seeing you. Without clear definitions in words, other people will be the one’s to define you, and you might not like what they have to say. Therefore, it’s up to you to cultivate the culture of your brand and nurture it so it truly represents your ideals.
In business there have been some amazing rebels and risk takers who use language to generate new brands that defy tradition and create new cultures. Sophia Amoruso, the creator of Nasty Gal, and the recent hit book “Girlboss” made it cool to be a different kind of girl than most other brands represented and she tapped into a whole community of females who identified with her vision. She built a business based on her ideals and now she’s the one setting the trends. Her current net worth = $250 million. Take that, playing by the rules!!!
So, if you are willing to take big risks, and be bold – the world is waiting for you.
If you need some help getting there, I’ve got your back.
Following your muse and doing something exciting and truly groundbreaking will definitely pay off if you know how to take whats inside of you and express it for other people to experience!

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